Access & contact
GPS coordinates:
Latitude: 46.563197
Longitude: 4.889721
By car:
A6 motoway, Tournus exit, 2.5 km away
(5 minutes by car)
By train:
Tournus railway station, 1.8 km away
(3 minutes by car)
By plane:
Lyon Saint-Exupéry airport
Then A6 motorway, Tournus exit, 124 km (1h10 by car)
By bike, from l’Échappée Bleue:
To the Garden side: 2,7 km
To the City Side: 1,1 km
A few
Tournus is located:
32 km north of Mâcon (30 minutes by car)
28 km south of Chalon-sur-Saône (23 minutes by car)
367 km from Paris (3h09 by car)
106 km from Lyon (1h06 by car)
Fanny Adam
917 avenue Gabriel Voisin
71700 Tournus
Tél mobile : +33 (0)6 71 26 30 14
E-mail :
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